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Now, as people around the world have to suffer the consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic, there are students who retain the most rigid of positions. 

They know that the education processes should not be ceased, especially in the time when technologies let people study from any place they find comfortable. So, let us talk a bit more about what students from the United States, China, and Italy, do in their distance-study time.

The United States: Keep Up with the Studies

It is, probably, not hard to guess that all of America’s universities, colleges, and even high schools have embarked upon online learning. The impact of online technologies cannot be overestimated when it comes to talking about how important they were in ensuring that millions of disciples from all of the states of this powerful country now have the opportunity to continue their studies. While the count is still going on, the approximate number of students learning online in the US today is more than 6,000,000 individuals.

So, basically, the first thing that most students do while on quarantine is making sure that no time is lost and keep up with their studies. Nonetheless, another problem that the United States faces due to quarantine is the fact that all the student exchange programs have been shut down, which means a massive loss to the state’s economy.

The Chinese Are Trying to Adjust to the New Reality

It should be acknowledged that not many universities and colleges have been practicing online education before the quarantine began, so lots of students still find it hard to deal with the obstacles standing in their way. However, the country has reacted brilliantly to the coronavirus threat and provided the students with an opportunity to study at home. China is known as the country of students because the Chinese consider life-long learning to be a proper way of living. As the coronavirus outburst has happened, the Chinese authorities have claimed that more than 800,000,000 people have started using the Internet actively, which is 58% of the country’s population.

What is more, the Chinese teachers also comment that the pandemic has had a relatively positive impact upon their jobs. A math teacher from Guangzhou stated that now it is much easier for him to provide feedback on students’ works. Every student at home in the world has to understand that the pandemic is going to end soon, but there is a need to adjust to the conditions that they have to live in today. Even though the number of infected individuals rises on a daily basis, the global critical spots, such as China, Italy, and Germany, are already reporting about a downturn in the mortality rates. Thus, when one thinks about how to study at home, the first thing to do is to remain patient and keep your chin up.

Still, it is quite understandable that the Chinese students have started ordering fewer papers than they used to. According to this website that writes essays, the number of orders from literature, philosophy, history, mathematics, and other disciplines dropped by 20% or something like that. It is crystal clear to understand that the economic crisis has turned the situation hard for the students who used to get some help from professional academic writing services. 

The Italian Response to Calamity

The pivotal mistake that Italy’s education system has made was not closing its schools and universities soon enough. The country was negligent towards the problem. The growth in the number of students studying at home has reached the point of %10000. But Italy is doing a great job given the casualties that the country has suffered. For example, Sveva, a student majoring in English and Spanish at the University of Turin, claimed that: “the University of Turin quickly took harsh measures, such as suspending classes and closing libraries, observing Italy’s national lockdown”. In general, the Italian students stated that coronavirus had launched the process of total digitalization of education as they have never seen such a number of PowerPoint presentations and lecture records.

The whole world is nowadays kept by the virus at the bay of progress, but there is a need to understand that regardless of the economic tendencies that are taking place in the modern world, each and every writing company is nowadays doing everything they can in order to still provide the guidance needed by the students. Writing an essay is not an easy task, and often students find it too deep for them to deal with two, three, or even four essays at the same time, which becomes even harder while studying remotely.

Time to Compare

Here comes a comparative statistic regarding how many students from the US, China, and Italy have started learning remotely during the pandemic.


US China Italy
6,300,000 278,000,000 1,800,000


It can be clearly stated that the numbers are growing exponentially, and there is no way for defining the exact number of students who keep on studying remotely in those countries. However, one thing is for sure: coronavirus did not stand in people’s way toward education.


It should be acknowledged that coronavirus has struck the planet real hard, and the discussed countries were the ones to take the hardest strike. However, it does not mean that we have to stop learning. What would we have been doing if all the doctors and medics saving thousands of lives today had rejected learning when they faced the opportunities? That’s right, humanity would have perished by now. So, keep on learning, friends, and make sure to ask for help when you need some because it is important to have some guidance while being isolated.