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Online live streams of people playing top slots at non GamStop casinos are popular. But why? What is the goal of the streamers, what is their revenue model and is there anything to criticize from a moral point of view? We have taken a closer look, and you can read our findings here.

We have seen them appear more and more in recent years: live casino streamers. This principle has come over from gamers who show how they play a certain video game via Twitch or YouTube.

The live casino streamers work in a similar way. They give potential gamblers and other interested parties the opportunity to see what is possible with a certain video slot. The viewers can of course, enjoy the big profits that the streamers regularly take.

With the rising popularity, the number of worrying and sometimes downright accusatory stories against some of the casino live streamers are also growing. They are accused of cheating in various opinion pieces and on forums. The truth behind the casino live streamers is, as always, more ambivalent. There are certainly drawbacks and unfairnesses to be found, but getting through them is also easy.

We'll let you know everything about casino live streamers here. We do not shy away from highlighting the ethical side of the story. We also cover issues such as affiliate marketing and discuss a well-known case of a live streamer that caused a lot of controversies. We conclude with links to the most popular casino live streamers of the moment!

What Exactly Are Non GamStop Casino Live Streamers?

Casino live streamers are gamblers who show their adventures in the non GamStop casinos live. They normally do this via the platform Twitch and/or YouTube. In addition to these casino live streamers, also known as slot streamers, there are gamblers who upload their casino experiences afterwards on YouTube. Strictly speaking, these are not live streamers, but they fall in the same vein.

Casino live streamers say they play for real money and do exactly what you and I could do in real online casinos.

But why do people watch these casino live streamers? This has several reasons. Some points that appeal to viewers are:

  • You can learn how a lock works exactly;
  • Enjoying the winnings of other gamblers without running any risk yourself can be attractive. The happiness hormone dopamine can also be produced when you see others grab big profits;
  • It's simply good entertainment and a nice way to kill idle time;
  • Often there is a lively live chat with other viewers present. The live streamers often participate in this themselves. This makes it feel like a cozy community.

How Do Non GamStop Slots Streamers Make Money?

Although many casino streamers start simply because it is their hobby or interest, it is of course, nice for the lucky few to turn their hobby into their profession later on. There are countless ways slots streamers can make money once they become popular enough. The usual ways to do this are:

  • Donations via Twitch/YouTube: fans of the streams can show their appreciation via the donation button.
  • Advertisements via Twitch/YouTube: if there are enough viewers, you can earn a lot from advertisements. At YouTube, they often automatically process this in a certain amount per view, while at Twitch, there is even a special 'advertising button' that you can press as a streamer
  • Self-advertisement: by, for example, wearing brands' shirts or caps and promoting brands, live streamers can generate even more advertising income.

The majority of non GamStop casino live streamers earn the most from so-called affiliate marketing.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliation means that you support someone or enter into a connection with someone. When we use this definition, the meaning of affiliate marketing immediately becomes clearer. It is advertising by a third party. Other seemingly independent parties may be affiliate partners of a company and advertise as such.

What then emerges is a win-win situation. The affiliate marketer gets a certain percentage of the profit generated by him or her. An example is a YouTuber who reviews a pair of headphones and provides a link to buy this product. When viewers then actually buy the product via the link, this YouTuber receives a percentage of the profit. This way, both this video maker and the seller of the headphones benefit from it.

We often see this way of advertising at online casinos not on GamStop. In fact, we also earn something in this way so that we can continue to post articles to protect everyone from casino scammers!

How Is Affiliate Marketing Applied?

There are different ways affiliate marketing is used and different ways to reward the affiliate partners. These are roughly three ways:

  • Profit Sharing: This allows affiliates to receive a commission based on customer spending. Suppose a customer spends 1000 euros at a non GamStop casino, then it can be agreed that the referrer will receive 10, 20 or sometimes 50% of this.
  • CPA: stands for 'cost per transaction'. The affiliate marketer receives a fee per customer referred or per product or service sold. Suppose a pair of headphones costs 100 euros, then the referrer can receive, for example, 5 euros for this.
  • Mixed Models: There are many intermediate and hybrid models of affiliate marketing. You can easily find more about this online. For example, an amount can be agreed in advance with a bonus construction.

The main reason that affiliate marketing is so widely used is that it is a hugely beneficial way of advertising for companies. On average, the so-called Return on Investment (ROI) of affiliate marketing is much higher than with other advertising methods. This is because the company only has to pay for products or services actually sold. In addition, success is easily measurable and generally ensures a stronger brand name.