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Guest Opinion. Protecting women and children from violence within the Cherokee Nation Reservation is a deeply personal cause for First Lady January Hoskin and me. Likewise, the Cherokee Nation tribal government has a solemn duty to protect safety and ensure justice across our 14-county reservation.

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On Thursday morning, I woke up to messages from friends who sent me the Instagram video of the teacher “dressed” as a Native American who was going viral on social media. The video was of a Riverside, California’s John W. North High School math teacher who was filmed by a Native American student as the teacher pranced around her classroom in an attempt to, dance, sing and pray as a Native American. 

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Guest Opinion. The most powerful thing that the Cherokee Nation can do for our citizens is to give them a platform to achieve their own dreams. My administration is committed to helping all Cherokees reach their full potential, including my making the largest investment in career training programs in Cherokee history.

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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png

Guest Opinion. Not very long ago, Native Americans were hard to find in the film industry. Even when a Native character appeared on screen, they were often portrayed by actors who did not come from Native communities. With some notable exceptions, Native writers, directors and other creative talent were even more rare. Stories were told about us, but they weren’t our stories.

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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png

Guest Opinion. This past week was significant with the first Presidential Proclamation establishing Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Monday ~ October 11, 2021. This news unfortunately eclipsed another major policy announcement by President Biden in the form of an Executive Order on Indian Education which is framed as follows:

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Indigenous Peoples' Day is an important acknowledgment of the trauma suffered by our people, and it’s a time for us to address the ongoing injustices we face. We are witnessing the rape of our land, the murder of Indigenous women, the killing of our brothers and sisters – the grizzly bear and the wolf. 

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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png

Guest Opinion. There’s a lot to celebrate this Indigenous People’s Day. After centuries of concerted efforts, we’re seeing promising signs that the federal government will work on a government-to-government basis with Native Nations and respect our Nations’ sovereignty. Though the federal government has often failed in its treaty and trust responsibilities to engage in meaningful consultation with Indian Country, President Biden has signaled that he will give our Nations a seat at the table. Not only did he appoint Deb Haaland as Interior Secretary, making her the first Native American cabinet member, but President Biden also reauthorized Executive Order 13175, mandating that federal agencies engage in meaningful consultation with Native Nations. In doing so, he has promised to include us in decision-making, and support our self-governance to control our lands, preserve our culture, and educate our youth.

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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png

Guest Opinion. The United States federal government still honors the genocidal maniac that brought the wrath of evil to the Americas. It is time to get rid of Columbus Day forever!

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Opinion. Last week, President Joe Biden issued the first-ever White House proclamation designating Monday, October 11 as Indigenous Peoples’ Day across the United States. In his proclamation, the president recognized the obligation the United States government has to live up to fulfill its trust and treaty responsibilities and admitted centuries of failure. 

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Opinion If you slip on your boots and take a walk through the remote village of Brevig Mission, you’ll notice 20 homes built by the Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority in the 1990s. A few blocks away stand ten more from the early 2000s. The newest subdivision, built in the last decade, is also the smallest: five modest homes, engineered for maximum economy, around a neat stub of gravel road.