- Details
- By UTE Indian Housing Authority
The Ute Indian Housing Authority (UIHA), Fort Duchesne, Utah intends to identify and select interested accounting/auditing firms that provide auditing services specifically for Indian Housing Authorities or Tribally Designated Housing Entities as defined in the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA). The Auditor must be responsible, qualified, and must be able to perform the audit in accordance with the requirements of the Single Audit Act. The successful firm will be offered a 1 year service contract with a cost limit to be determined by UIHA. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is not an Invitation for Bid but a written proposal addressing the services listed.
Interested firms shall submit proposals which includes business resume, copies of professional licenses or certifications, description of services to be provided with identification of the individual(s) in the firm who will have primary responsibility for providing services to UIHA, three clients to serve as references, a history on working with Indian Housing Authorities or Native American Tribes, fee structure which is broken down to hourly fee and types of expenses that are to be charged, at least one peer review, and any contract history with UIHA. This RFP is being advertised as an open procurement with Indian Preference. Firms claiming Indian Preference must submit proof of enrollment with an Indian tribe and proof of at least 51% Indian ownership of their firm.
Each proposal will be rated using a point system that is applied to the information provided by the offer or that addresses the needs of the housing authority.
- Past experience with Indian Housing Authorities or Native Am. Tribes 10 points
- Copies of professional licenses/certifications 10 points
- Fee structure & expenses 10 points
- Indian Preference 10 points
- Contract history/performance 10 points
- References 10 points
- Peer Review 10 points
Total Points 70 points
The firm with the highest overall rating (point score) will be selected.
All questions may be directed to the office of the UIHA Executive Director at 435-722-4656.
All sealed proposals are due no later than May 15, 2024 at the close of business which is 6:00 pm (MST). The proposals must be sealed and marked “Do Not Open Proposal Enclosed: Audit Services” on the outside. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. Proposals are to be mailed or delivered to the following address:
For Mailing:
Ute Indian Housing Authority
P.O. Box 250
Fort Duchesne, Utah 84026
For Delivering:
Ute Indian Housing Authority
7700 East 800 South
Ft. Duchesne, Utah 84026
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