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Testing is a crucial component of the software development process and a foundation for maintaining the high quality of your software products. It guarantees that rules and norms are consistently followed when developing new software and that any mistakes may be fixed before they become expensive and time-consuming to remedy. It is more crucial than ever to have an effective testing process since a large number of businesses are shifting their activities to remote operations and because software development teams are under pressure to launch products as quickly as feasible. 


But why and how specifically should you make an effort to improve software quality assurance within your company? Find out by reading on!


Make a plan for software quality assurance

Briefly said, your SQA strategy explains the goals of quality assurance, along with the things you intend to test and measure.


The fact is, quality assurance won't be performed consistently if there isn't clear paperwork that establishes an operational process. This can not only result in errors being missed, but it can also damage the rapport between a developer and a QA engineer.


Test early, and frequently, and employ automated testing

Testing frequently and early is essential for enhancing software quality. Early testing will guarantee that any flaws don't grow into bigger, more sophisticated problems. The cost to fix any problems increases as the flaw grows larger.


Your testers should be engaged as soon as possible. It is advised to include testers early in the software design process to guarantee that they keep track of any difficulties or flaws as they arise and before the problems usually expand rapidly and become more difficult to debug.


The incorporation of the proper automated testing methodology is frequently necessary for testing. Automate non-UI tests first, then gradually expand coverage to UI tests once the product has stabilized. 


Practice communication

Nobody enjoys hearing about their work being critiqued. Unfortunately for the QA team, this is the exact essence of what they do, which is to critique the work of developers.


Without effective communication, the relationship can and frequently does deteriorate.


Developers must ensure that their work is valued, whereas QA testers must ensure that everyone is aware of the importance of testing. These two concepts must work well together.


Pair testing is a terrific method to encourage this two-way dialogue.


Make a risk register

Knowing the various risks involved in software development will, of course, help you know what to look for during testing.


Everyone is alert to potential problems because a thorough risk assessment identifies them. This assists the quality assurance team in preventing these risks from reappearing into crises.


Utilize a multi-testing approach

It's not a good idea to rely just on one testing strategy because you risk missing errors. For instance, some techniques for testing software, such as exploratory testing, are more adaptable. On the other side, less flexibility is offered by testing techniques like conventional script-based testing.


Due to its large degree of freedom, it may appear that a software QA engineer would find more using an exploratory method, but these searches are frequently skewed by the engineer's own ability and experience. In essence, a QA engineer will locate the problems they are most adept at locating. But when using script-based testing, these testers all follow the same paths in search of mistakes. Without changing course, they'll overlook errors.


Bottom line

Even the smallest misspelling in a single line of code might be a software defect, and it happens frequently. That bug will hurt you eventually if someone isn't there to remove it. This justifies the significance of software quality assurance.